Divine Alchemy Yoga

My very first life-changing Ayahuasca Ceremony

Part 1 A few months ago in deep Byron Hinterland, I explored an opportunity to get creative in the ways I was navigating life and it surroundings, I’d been struggling for a number of years, asking deep questions about my purpose, the purpose of all things and riding the waves of the high’s and lows … Read more

Benefits of drinking filtered, alkaline water

Personally, I find that using a water filter to remove any chlorine, pesticides, bacteria, hazardous micro-organisms and majority of fluoride tastes much better and is easier to drink. It feels much lighter and is more satisfying. The Zazen filter that I use (not a paid ad) is also cost-effective, with an upfront cost of $495 … Read more

YIN Yoga

What is YIN Yoga and how can it help you to increase performance, move better, lose weight and manage stress. Yin Yoga is a deeply restorative, therapeutic and nourishing practice that when performed correctly assists in the hydration of the connective tissue within the body. Think of this as the tissue that connects, surrounds and … Read more